The feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) has recently commenced at our household. My father, in his usual way each year, has set up our temporary dwelling place on the backyard patio.
Have sensed a period of transition. Our house, for instance, is a temporary dwelling place—we purchased it eight years ago knowing we wouldn’t be here long-term. In fact, many “vital” establishments in our world, once thought to be stable, appear to be quite transitory. Those of you reading may also sense the plethora of changes occurring.
In the seven years of giving both Jedihood and Know the Script, have arrived at a state of peace knowing these messages are well-planted and continue to produce. The music has also matured, as well as attitude, health, and job responsibilities. Noticing the fruit filling the void once occupied by falling institutions.
As the Father leads this soul to new dwellings, see a new day bring brought before us—a time of revival and refreshment. Will we be open to receive it?
Be blessed this Fall season.