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Recognize the Emperor

"I only hope that those who have seen Star Wars recognize the Emperor when they see him."

Been seeing quite a few emperors lately.   Thought-policed Stormtroopers and Royal Guards... in order to maintain order of this fallen society.

Although at times noble, his dualistic mindset is part of the problem.  Human interactions, however altruistic, will lead to dispair if "double-mindedness" is not resolved.  Instead of trust it leads to fear (as he has ironically stated) , eventually leading to the creation of a dark pact (as with his own company).

When there is good with evil, as clean and dirty dishes, it is all dirty and has to be washed.  If it is not confronted the dirtiness eventually abounds.

Love is the ability to confront sin when it is seen. This may mean saying an unkind truth or even uprooting a cause some fallen ones may see as noble. If we do not recognize evil for what it is, evil always takes advantage. The problem with religion is its boxed concept which he complains. "The prison of your mind".

It's about relationship with the Father. Whenever you see the Father appear within man, it needs to be recognized.  When the Adversary is seen, it must be confronted.   This though needs to be understood within that the temple may be sanctified.

Hopefully this lesson is learned.   His story, as countless others, has become a tragedy.  Let us pray ours does not become the same.