After being ill for two weeks, have come to realize it was time to come back to the message of Jedihood. There is a powerful message which needs to be given.
This message initially started two years ago as a 30-hour series, with a one year backstory prior. The series started as conversations between Aharon (also known as Streen) and Yahunatan (formally known as Relan Volkum). Since that time, both people have changed. Yet the message has remained the same.
Jedihood is such an important message that to not speak it would be torture. It is the result of a journey that has taken a person from an online presence, to a secluded hermit, and eventually towards a prophetic quest. Many use the word prophecy in the grandest sense; yet it is simply a revelation. A divine utterance. Not a prediction or forecast as it is usually seen, yet a truthful message of what is… and a warning of what is to come.
With that said, the message of Jedihood is that of a rod. It will lightly tap on those who earnestly seek its calling, yet will strongly goad those who do not have ears to hear. It is a reflection of the standard that has always been there.
It is this standard which measures this person today. Can a person remain silent of such a thing?