Over the last twenty years, have observed a significant increase of incentives to self-promote oneself for public exposure. Such incentives have strayed people towards various imaginations, stressing sensationalism (and the pocketbook) over the actual validity of the message and action given. The world’s attention has also delved further and further to those who learn to effectively advertise themselves over the actual validity of performance. This misleading reward has caused great problems, revealing how easily we can be swayed.
How easy it is, for instance, to look at the amount of views instead of the measure of truths! This is a testament to the great apathy towards authenticity and purity.
There is, though, a promotion hardly spoken about, especially during these times of mindless spectacle and self-gluttony. People sense its need (especially when partaking in playful simulation) yet cannot grasp its actual condition—this is because they search according to their own terminology instead of acknowledging their self-futility.
The greater accolade will only present itself to those able to kneel towards a far greater responsibility. Only when we have proven our valor in the face of great, monumental challenges can such a presentation manifest.
Contrary to belief, these challenges cannot be surpassed through self attainment—for it requires a challenge of surrender.
Knighthood, my friends, takes surrender.
To surpass these challenges, we must commit towards the daily fasting of ourselves in order to appeal to the greater source. This source comes from the Father in heaven. Only when we have fully demonstrated our loyalty to the Father (instead of the vulgar enticements from the crowd) can we partake of a ceremony of his choosing.
The Father’s loyalty is to be completed with virtues as honesty, courage, and humility. If any out there are found with no such virtue, this accolade cannot be legitimately bestowed—no matter how actively publicized it is paraded. Man himself cannot bestow such recognition.
“Do not boast so proudly, or let arrogance come from your mouth—for Yah is a Elohim who knows. It is by him in which actions are weighed” (1 Samuel).
Let us also be reminded that, even when bestowed, accolades can be removed just as quickly as they are acquired. In fact, spiritual mantles should be revoked from those who purposely misdirect upon the paths of carnality (this person, in short, has been called to such revoking as have full legal right to do so).
“Do not look on his countenance, or on the height of his stature,” said the Father to Samuel, “because I have refused him.”
Yet for the few who actively demonstrate his great loyalty, and may, at times, accidentally stumble upon this path of honor—the Father will judge righteously by focusing on the rule in their leading. “Man looks on the outward appearance, but Yah looks upon the heart.”
Given this—for those out there ready to mature into a walk of true knighthood, a stark realization must come upon you: An active advancing of self-attainment will not save you in the fulfillment. Only in the true display of honor can one be offered a true promotion.
Do not allow your ears to be itched by deceivers, dear brothers and sisters. Learn this now before someone convinces you otherwise.