News Bulletin
3/16/24 - Micah Video Series - Brand new series on the book of Micah. More to come.
2/17/24 - Swordfire Updated Finished - Was able to finish the updated edit of the series. Thanks for your patience.
9/30/23 - Swordfire Updated Edit - Going to finish the updated edit of the Swordfire Series. Take a look.
9/9/23 - Joel Video Series - New video series on words of Joel.
7/15/23 - Qodesh: The Four Hebrew Children - The book of Daniel, Susanna, Prayer of Azariah (Song of Three Children), and Daniel additions will be shared in the new video series called Qodesh.
6/24/23 - Title: The Letter of Titus - New video series on letter to Titus.
5/20/23 - Lament: The Book of Lamentations - New video series on Lamentations.
4/22/23 - Messenger: The Book of Malachi - A brand new video series on Malachi.
4/8/23 - Second and Third Messages of Yochanan - New videos being provided for the Yochanan series! Thanks again for your patience.
(1st Full Moon 2023 Version)