Welcome to Passages, an ambitious five-album journey of reflective electronic soundscapes.

As with previous projects, each one has a distinct sound, vibe, and metaphor. The Passages project carries a more “pilgrimage” analog-type of electronic playing, ranging from sequencing to ambient/minimal. Also includes a dash of “contemporary” electronica for good measure.

This project is about 3 ½ hours in length and includes 21 different pieces of various lengths, ranging from less than a minute to over 20 minutes. There are 5 sets of passages included in this project—each being an album’s length of roughly 40 minutes (5 record album’s worth in total). Each passage includes a main 15-to-20-minute movement as well as a reflective-ending “selah” moment.

Track Listing of Passages:
Passages: Set 1 (Mental) – Introduction, Optical Frequencies, Trail of Thoughts, Elusive, Selah 1
Passages: Set 2 (Natural) – Longings of Simplicity, Free Flow, Articulate Horizon, Selah 2
Passages: Set 3 (Memorial) – Reminiscent of the Pews, Eclipsis Conspectus, Circular Motion, Selah 3
Passages: Set 4 (Spiritual) – Momentary Restitution, Invisible Projections, Shifts in Tonality, Selah 4
Passages: Set 5 (Instinctual) – Vision, Energetic Reflections, For Thought, Conclusion (Selah)

Each passage also has a distinct style and focus. As with any journey, it can at times be concerning yet also refreshing. Find out which one(s) you are in “tune” with.

This album is dedicated to the called-out ones who earnestly follow the truthful way of life.

Music is composed and played by Yahunatan (Jonathan Raimer). Keyboards and programming by Yahunatan. Composed in 2024.

Website – Yahunatan.com

You are allowed to use this music in your projects, yet please give appropriate credit (the same as you would want to be treated). Thank you.

Special thanks to the following:

Photo Credits:
Filisofik – Bridge Tunnel Door (shown throughout Passages video, including Introduction, Selah Segments, Conclusion)
Tóta – Iceland Island Painting (shown throughout Passages video, including Introduction, Selah Segments, Conclusion)
Pexels – Light Movement (shown during Optical Frequencies)
StockSnap – Landscape Mountain Fog (shown during Trail of Thoughts)
Martin Winkler – Sunbeams (shown during Longings of Simplicity)
Arctic Sea Ocean – Unknown (shown during Articulate Horizon)
StockSnap – Pews Isle (shown during Reminiscent of the Pews)
bdabney – Eclipse (shown during Eclipsis Conspectus)
Pexels – Dark Night Silhouette (shown during Circular Motion)
jplenio – Tree Park Autumn (shown during Momentary Restitution)
Xalapi – Tree Path Sunrise (shown during Vision)
Organic Abstract Art – Unknown (shown during For Thought)

Video Credits:
Vimeo-Free-Videos – Futuristic (shown during Elusive)
Extemporalist – Stream Mist Rays (shown during Free Flow)
Engin_Akyurt – Marine Sea Water (shown during Shifts in Tonality)
Matthias Groeneveld – Treetops (shown during Invisible Projections)
Humanoide_Media – Atom Electrons Proton (shown during Energetic Reflections)