Knowledge of Our Weakness

They looked to themselves and the power they possessed. They trained, they studied… they fought great battles and gained much success until the very end. It was at this end when all the vain glory was swept away.


Massing great amounts of reeds does not alter the nature of its bending! A slew of ambiguous, inconsistent standards, moving whichever way the wind blows, will not save us in perilous waters.

Higher Ground

Higher ground can be attained. Such ground, however, is never to be used for personal leverage. Its advantage is only for the principled.

The Contention

Although the urge to confront remains, we must carefully reflect to see an even greater contention—a biological, anthropomorphic universe which has submerged itself in carnal, beastly desires.

So Comes the Flood

Such systems are toppling down upon inspecting minds. When certain curtains are parted and the men of sin are revealed, there will be no turning back.

The Slumber

We have a strong tendency to discharge matters essential to our survival. As a result, many are behind in the Father’s class—flunking at one of the most critical times in history.

Be Still and Know

Deliverance is usually hindered by those who fear their own taskmasters (such is the slave mentality). Yet instead of reacting to communal pressure, Moshe understood the conflict would be resolved by a greater and mightier power.

The Simulation

The truth somewhat mirrors this reflection, although it is quite misunderstood. Instead of looking out there to the vastness of it all, let’s look upon ourselves to see the multiple constructs surrounding our own daily living.



It is now up to sound minds to take heed of the signs given, getting their houses in order while they are still standing.


True charity is not to be given selflessly or to comfort personal desires—it is expressed because the Father first shown such love within us.

The Plague

The Plague

A realization began to come over that there definitely is a virus out there. Perhaps a better way to refer to it would be a plague, or spirit.